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Mastopexy: Breast Lifting Surgery in Colombia

  • 20 de noviembre de 2024
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What Does a Breast Lift Mastopexy Consist Of?

Have you ever wondered what a breast lift procedure or augmentation mastopexy entails? This is a procedure that repositions sagging breast tissues to a more aesthetic position.

It can be performed through different methods, depending on the degree of sagging. Incisions may be made around the areola, vertically, or in an inverted «T» shape.

The goal is to achieve a pleasing shape. If additional breast volume is desired, implants or fat transfer can be used according to the patient’s preferences and expectations.

Mamoplastia de Aumento - Cirujanos Plásticos Certificados

The surgery typically takes 2 to 3 hours to complete, and you can return home the same day after recovering from anesthesia and ensuring pain control. Recovery time averages 8 to 12 days, and full results are visible around 4-6 months after surgery.

What Are the Different Types of Mastopexy?

Breast lifts can be performed with implants, using your own tissues, or with a combination of fat and implants, known as hybrid surgery.

The choice of technique depends on the patient’s expectations, the degree of sagging (ptosis), and the amount of available breast tissue.

All options deliver excellent results, repositioning the breast tissues in an aesthetically pleasing manner relative to the chest wall.

However, results vary slightly depending on whether implants are used, as they can enhance cleavage more significantly than natural tissues alone.

An evaluation with your surgeon is essential to create a personalized surgical plan tailored to your needs and goals.

Can I Have a Mastopexy Without Implants?

Some patients may choose to avoid breast implants for their surgery. If there is sufficient natural breast tissue, this can be a good option.

Fat transfer can also be included to add volume or enhance the breast size further.

Results without implants tend to look more natural, without pronounced roundness in the cleavage area.

The main advantage of this choice is that it eliminates the need for implant renewal or secondary implant-related procedures. However, this option requires a moderate amount of natural breast tissue for optimal shaping, making very small breasts less suitable for this approach.

How Is the Recovery Process?

A recovery period of 8 to 12 days is recommended to allow proper healing, particularly of the internal breast tissues, and to minimize the risk of complications.

Mastopexia - Cirujanos Plásticos Certificados

During this period, a balanced diet rich in proteins and vegetables is crucial to provide the necessary nutrients for healing.

A post-surgical bra should be worn for 3 to 6 months to control swelling, support the incisions, and reduce the risk of complications.

Office work can typically be resumed after 12 days, and physical workouts may begin after 30-45 days.

Final results become more apparent after 4 to 6 months once swelling subsides. Scars will continue to improve over the next 12 to 18 months, during which your doctor may recommend creams, silicone sheets, or treatments such as laser or injections to enhance their appearance.

3 Types of Breast Lift: Which Is Best?

There are three primary incision options for breast lift procedures:

  1. Around the areola
  2. Around the areola and vertically
  3. In an inverted «T» shape or anchor incision

The choice depends on the degree of sagging present. For mild sagging, an incision around the areola may suffice. For moderate sagging, a vertical incision is often necessary. For significant sagging, requiring extensive tissue and skin removal, the inverted «T» incision is the best choice.

Mamoplastia - Cirujanos Plásticos Certificados

Your surgeon will examine your breasts and recommend the most suitable approach based on your specific needs.

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